Remove Ad

File Manager HD is a freeware but contains ads which provided by Google Admob. If you like this application, you can donate to support our development, you will get ad-free version after donation.

The "remove ad" section is in settings page, as following:

You can click "Donate Application" menu item to start the donation. The payment process is using Google IAB(in-app billing), which pay through Google wallet the same as Android paid applications.

You can also click "Remove Ad" in navigation drawer to start the donation process.

Donation FAQ

What is the price for the ad-free version using Google IAB?

The price for ad-free version will vary for different countries. Such as for United States, the price is $2.99. The prices for other countries are similar.

Shall I need to donate again for other devices?

Donation record to File Manager HD is bound to your Google account. That means if you have multiple devices using the same Google account, you just need to donate once and have ad-free versions on other devices.

How to enable ad-free version on other devices or after device reset?

This should be automatically enabled on your other devices using the same Google account. If it does not work well, you can click "Reactivate Application" menu item to enable ad-free version without donate again.

Can I enable ad-free version for File Manager after donating to File Manager HD?

Please notice that File Manager is a different application which need to donate independently.