
New files can only be created under writable folders. The new file name should be unique under parent folder.

Use "Create" button in toolbar to create a new file or folder under current folder.

Move, Copy, Paste

Move and paste actions are only available under writable folders. When process file copy and move action, the path to source files will be saved to clipboard, and then when process paste action, the clipboard files will be saved to target place.

Move: Long click on file entry, from popup menu, choose "Move" menu item to add selected file or folder to clipboard.
Copy: Long click on file entry, from popup menu, choose "Copy" menu item to add selected file or folder to clipboard.
Paste: After move or copy action, there will a new "Paste" button appear in toolbar. You can navigate to target folder and click "Paste" button to paste files to this folder.


Delete action is only available for writable files. When delete a folder, all its children files will be deleted together. Deleted files cannot be recovered(there is no recycle bin in File Manager), so please be careful when deleting files.

Long click on file entry, from popup menu, choose "Delete" menu item to delete this file or folder.


Rename action is only available for writable files. The new file name should be unique under parent folder.

Long click on file entry, from popup menu, choose "Rename" menu item to launch rename dialog.