Keyboard Shortcuts

If you have a physical keyboard, you can use lots of keyboard shortcuts, which will make QuickEdit more efficient.

QuickEdit supported keyboard shortcuts are similar as common editors.

Please refer to following sections for QuickEdit supported keyboard shortcuts.

File Shortcuts

Shortcuts for managing file:

Ctrl+S Save current file.
Ctrl+Z Undo last modification.
Ctrl+Y Redo last modification.
Ctrl+F Search inside current file.
Ctrl+A Select all text in current file.
Ctrl+W Close current text file.

Cursor Shortcuts

Shortcuts for moving cursor:

Page Up Go to previous page.
Page Down Go to next page.
Home | Alt + Left Go to line start.
End | Alt + Right Go to line end.
Ctrl + Left/Right Move cursor backward/forward and skip word.
Ctrl + Home | Alt + Up Go to start of current file.
Ctrl + End | Alt + Down Go to end of current file.

Selection Shortcuts

Shortcuts for controlling selection scope:

Shift + Left/Right Extend selection to left/right character.
Shift + Up/Down Extend selection to previous/next line.
Shift + Page Up/Page Down Extend selection to previous/next page.
Shift + Ctrl + Left/Right Extend selection to left/right word.
Shift + Alt + Left/Right Extend selection to line start/end.
Shift + Home Select text between line start and current cursor.
Shift + End Select text between current cursor and line end.

Editing Shortcuts

Shortcuts for editing file content:

Ctrl + Backspace Delete previous word.
Shift + Tab Delete previous tab character.