Search Dialog
You can search or replace any text using search dialog.
The search dialog is as following, you can click More->Search from toolbar to launch it:

There are three checkboxes better help to search:
Case Sensitive | When this checkbox is checked, uppercase and lowercase letters will be treated as different letters. Otherwise, uppercase and lowercase letters will be treated as the same. |
Regular Expression | Whether to enable regular expression in search and replace field. |
Wrap Around | When this checkbox is checked, QuickEdit continues searching from the beginning of the document if a match is not found. Otherwise, QuickEdit stops searching when it reaches the end of the file. |
There are three buttons in the dialog:
Search | Find and highlight the text which matches the keyword. |
Replace All | Replace all matches of text to another new text (replacement). |
Replace | Find and highlight the text which matches the keyword, you have the opportunity to replace any matched text to desired replacement. |
Search Action Mode
After you click "Search" or "Replace" from search dialog, QuickEdit will enable search action mode as following:

The search action mode contains following action items:
Previous | Goto the previous match. |
Next | Goto the next match. |
Replace | Replace the matched string to replacement string. |
Regular Expression
QuickEdit support regular expression during search. You can enable "Regular expression" checkbox in search dialog to enable it. Supported regex patterns can be found here:
QuickEdit also support back references during replace. You can use $[1-9] in replacement string to match different group in search string.
For instance, if you replace all from "(123)(45)" to "$2$1", then all "12345" in current document will be replaced to "45123".