

A Playlist is a list of tracks that can be played back sequentially or in random order.

The operations in playlists page and detail page are similar to albums page. You can refer to albums section for common operations.

The playlist page also contains some commonly used playlists generated automatically by Omnia, including favorites, most played, recent played and recent added.

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Adjust Sequence

You can adjust track sequence in this playlist, just press and hold "4 lines" icon of the track and move the track up or down, release the track when finished.

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Smart Playlists

Smart playlists are the playlists generated by Omnia, including favorites, most played, recent played and recent added.

These playlists can be accessed from playlist page, and are generated automatically by Omnia, based on your music playback and media file change history.

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You can add now playing track to or remove it from favorites in now playing page.

Click heart button from toolbar to add current song to or remove it from favorites playlist.

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Backup & Restore

You can back up your playlists, and restore them at any time, to avoid being deleted by mistake.

You can start the backup from toolbar in playlists page, backup menu item. Then from the backup dialog, you can choose which playlists to be backed up.

Newer Devices with Android 11 and above

Since Android limits the storage permission since Android 11, Omnia cannot write to your storage directly. Now when you back up the playlists, it will package all your selected playlists and generate a single zip file, which contains all backup playlist files in the zip file. You can choose where you want to store this playlist backup zip file.

The generated backup contains all playlists in m3u file format. After you copy the m3u playlist file to your new device, it should be recognized by Android system automatically, and no need to restore playlists from them.

If the m3u files are not imported by Android system automatically, please unzip the backup file to "/storage/emulated/0/Music/omnia/playlists/" folder, and click restore button from toolbar, it will manually scan and restore the m3u files.

Older Devices with Android 10 and below

The playlists backup are stored in Android application data folder, that is:

The playlists backup are stored as plain text files who contain playlist song paths in sequence. In future if you want to restore them from another device, you can copy these files to same folder, and process the restore. Alternatively, you can also rename the exported playlist file extension from txt to m3u, and copy it to any folder on your new device, it should be recognized by the system.