Now Playing Page


Now playing page is the main playback page for the music currently playing. It contains all information related to current playing song, and all controls that you can operate.

There is multiple ways to enter now playing page:

  • Click playback panel at bottom of each screen.
  • Click notification when Pulsar is running in background.
  • Click empty space of widget on home screen.
  • shadowed image

    Album Artwork

    Half of this screen is filled by album artwork. Swiping left or right on album artwork view can switch songs in the play queue directly.

    shadowed image

    Playback Control

    There is a round floating action button in accent color, attached to the album artwork view. Clicking this button will open play queue page.

    There is a progress bar which displays current playing progress. Dragging round progress ball can skip playback to desired position.

    There are 5 buttons at the bottom of the screen which controls the playback:

    Shuffle Play all songs in shuffle mode or not.
    Previous Jump to previous song in play queue.
    Play/Pause Play or pause current playback.
    Next Jump to next song in play queue.
    Repeat Switch repeat mode from repeat all, repeat current song and repeat off.

    Fast Forward and Rewind

    You can long press next or previous button to start fast forwarding and rewinding.

    The longer you press the button, the faster forwarding and rewinding moves.

    Playback Speed

    Playback speed can be changed by clicking speed button in now playing page. The playback speed can be adjusted between 0.50x and 3.00x.

    If you do not need speed adjustment feature, you can hide it from action bar.

    This feature only available on Android 6.0 and above. This feature only works for local music playback, it does not work while casting.


    Music visualizer generates animated imagery based now playing music. The imagery is rendered in real time and synchronized with the music as it is played.

    You can enable music visualizer from now playing page, by clicking visualizer button from toolbar.

    Music visualizer needs android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO permission.

    shadowed image

    Media Information

    By default, now playing page will display media information of current playing song, including sample rate, bit rate and music format. This information is displayed under progress bar.

    If you do not want to see media information, you can turn it off from toolbar.