Pro Version
Pulsar is a freeware but contains some add-on features which are available only in premium version:
Pulsar free version can meet most of your music playback requirements except following:
Thanks for your purchase to support our future development.

Pro Version FAQ
What is the trial period of free version?
If you do not need premium features mentioned above, you can use free version forever. There is no trial period.
Do I need to purchase pro version again for other devices?
Pulsar Pro is a standard paid application in Google Play. Purchase record to Pulsar Pro is bound to your Google account. That means if you have multiple devices using the same Google account, you just need to buy once and have premium version on all devices.
Do I need to keep Pulsar free version after I installed paid version?
No. You can safely uninstall free version and only keep the paid version. They are two independent apps.
Please launch paid version first before you uninstall free version. When first time you launch the paid version, it will try to migrate some data from your free version, such as your favorite songs list, playback history, etc. After the initialization of the paid version, you can safely uninstall the free version.